About a couple of weeks ago, I called McMurray to add two more pullets to my order. No hassles, and the people were pleasant. I really enjoy speaking with the customer service reps. When it was time for the shipment McMurray sent text notifications and a confirmation e-mail to make sure I was aware the order was on its way. We (my friend who ordered with me and I) knew to expect the order when it was delivered, though I had a little trouble with USPS, but nothing devastatingly horrible. Out of the 30 chicks shipped, one arrived DOA. A Speckled Sussex (SS). Within the next few hours we lost the rare exotic chick (which happened to be a Golden Laced Polish) and another SS died. The next morning, my friend called me and said two more SS had died, and then later this afternoon another pair of SS were very sick and soon to parish. We ordered several breeds, and we aren't exactly sure why only the SS are dying at this point. All of the ones in my care are doing exceptionally well, so I really don't know what is going on. There was no heating pack, but they seemed to be able to huddle together for warmth. I called McMurray about the dead chicks, and the woman on the other end was very polite, apologized for the misfortune, and reimbursed us. I have not called about the recent SS deaths, but I am waiting for tomorrow to give them a call and get it all over with at once. Between my cousin and my friend, there were 12 Barred Rocks (BR) ordered, and we ended up getting an extra BR Pullet.
Remember when I called Meyer and requested the OEs be marked? They were not. Didn't really expect them to be after the attitude of the woman who spoke to me. We did get a free EE pullet, but since I got an extra chick through McMurray, it's kind of normal and no special treatment. I don't think I was charged for the Buff Orpingtons I added when I called, which was nice of the Hatchery. When the order was shipped, I did not get any notifications saying the order was shipped, though I checked regularly for the tracking information. It was shipped via 2-day shipping which I expected, but it came in a day early. It was literally over-nighted!
The chicks had a heated pack, and all were alive and happy when I picked them up at the PO. I didn't like how loosely the lid was placed. I personally didn't have any problems, but one side could bend enough a hand could fit through or a chick could jump out if the box was leaned over at the right angle. I personally didn't have any missing chicks, but it could happen. When it comes to shipping and the safety of the chicks, Meyer wins by a mile.
I would order from both again, though I will wait on warmer weather to order from McMurray. The next order I make through Meyer, I will be sure not to mix any EEs or OEs because I couldn't tell them apart. I hope I can get some pictures taken of the chicks
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