Thursday, June 9, 2016

Chick Went to the Vet

Yes, I took a chick (Buff Laced Polish) to the vet to see what's going on with her leg and what we can do to fix it. As you can see from the following picture, her leg doesn't sit right. I thought it was because she had a slipped tendon. Doc says otherwise.
She is currently in an inside brooder with a cast-like splint to see if we can slowly work her leg back into its proper position. Doc said it could be congenial, nutritional, or from an injury. We are treating nutritional first, getting a chick starter with vitamin B and Calcium. She collected a fecal sample to test for cocci, which she (the chick) is thankfully negative.

She is supposed to go back Monday or Tuesday for a re-dressing. I will be updating this particular post with updates as it progresses. I normally would not take a chicken to a vet, but I need to learn, and this vet shares an interest in chicken rearing. (Chicken tenders are we. 😉

(Update: Vet chick died)

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